“Sorry… I’m just a cocksleeve slave, Master” My gf rented me to a Superior male and he decided to punish me by filling both of my holes for not doing my tasks on time 😭😣.

“Sorry… I’m just a cocksleeve slave, Master” My gf rented me to a Superior male and he decided to punish me by filling both of my holes for not doing my tasks on time 😭😣.

“Sorry… I’m just a cocksleeve slave, Master” My gf rented me to a Superior male and he decided to punish me by filling both of my holes for not doing my tasks on time 😭😣.

"Sorry… I'm just a cocksleeve slave, Master" My gf rented me to a Superior male and he decided to punish me by filling both of my holes for not doing my tasks on time 😭😣.
byu/subbyboifriend inGayCocksuckers


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