PSA: Kobolds may be stupid, but they are very cunning. They are surprisingly good at getting what they want, so never feed a stray kobold or let him inside your house. If you do it, it will for sure return for more in the future. [F] (soovka)

PSA: Kobolds may be stupid, but they are very cunning. They are surprisingly good at getting what they want, so never feed a stray kobold or let him inside your house. If you do it, it will for sure return for more in the future. [F] (soovka)

PSA: Kobolds may be stupid, but they are very cunning. They are surprisingly good at getting what they want, so never feed a stray kobold or let him inside your house. If you do it, it will for sure return for more in the future. [F] (soovka)

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